mercredi 13 août 2014

My mother!

My mother is my hero.
Maybe. Or Sometimes.
I was recently unable to walk properly because something happened to my leg. I woke up that morning and the first thing I did was hop to my mother's room to see if she was there. Unfortunately for me she had gone to church. It was a Sunday and she had left earlier than she would normally leave.
I went back to my room and took my phone to call her. She picked up after two rings and I asked her: -  "Mommy, where are you?"
- "I am at church."
- "You left earlier than normal"
- "Yes, I have to do some teachings this morning... are you okay?"
- ".... I can't put any weight on my leg- I want to go to the hospital"
- "...... What happened"
*I went ahead to explain to her the pain from the day before and how it had unexpectedly gotten worse*,
She then said: "Don't worry, just rest and when I come back I will come and take care of you and take you to the hospital". It was sooo sweet.

I spent the next few hours lying on my bed, reading a little and sleeping while waiting for my precious mother to come back. She came back looked at me. Told me that she wont take me to the hospital and that she would pray for me that it is well. So she got hot water, took my towel and she massaged it. Then she prayed for it. Anointed it with oil and then left to make food and send food and fruits to me.

I do not know how to describe the emotions I had. I just felt like my mother does really own me. I felt like my mother would always be there and take care of me regardless of what happened to me.
Chai, my mother owns me. I am sooooooooooo grateful.

jeudi 31 juillet 2014

I am a lot of things?

When I first meet someone, I show them a lot of respect and defer a lot in order to get to know them and show them that they are of most importance.
After this stage, depending on how I perceive the person I either continue my original paradigm or I change my actions based on what I have perceived from the other person.
Sometimes this change brings out the rude me, the impatient me, the mean me.
I thought about it recently and realized that WOW, there are different MEs. And maybe that is what Christ has called us to recognize by saying death to SELF and told us to strive for the ME that is in accordance with His Person, Will, Heart.
The ME that acts the same regardless of how the other person behaves.
The ME that
The ME that always puts others interests before himself and ultimately Christ.

lundi 7 juillet 2014

To argue or not to argue

That is the question.
Among the things I have to ask myself each morning one of them is the question: Do I choose to argue today or choose to NOT argue.

When I was much younger I used to argue a lot. I think I used to love arguing. Why? I have no idea, I think it was just fun to me, to see people on the edge and talking about things they were passionate about. I also think a big part of me arguing has been to try to teach others and show them I know more than they do..?
As I grew older I started getting tired of arguing especially after starting to believe that most people do not change their perspectives on issues they argue about. So I stopped arguing completely. Completely.

To argue or not to argue? It has been a while (maybe years) since I made profound discoveries about myself. I think I went through unconscious periods when I would go on an arguing binge and then a non arguing binge. Looking back I do remember these periods but at the moment they occurred I was oblivious to them. 

In trying to leave more consciously, when I wake up in the mornings one of the questions I ask myself is: Should I argue today or should I just NOT argue? I think it is also fundamental to whether I have HOPE that people will deviate and give themselves an opportunity to learn. LOL. 
Or maybe hope doesn't apply at all. Maybe I should just stop arguing completely and use my mental energy for more positive and quantifiable activities.

It is a new day. July 7th 2014. World Class Discipline resumes. 


jeudi 19 juin 2014

Les Americains

I am back again. It has been a while but I am back. I left World Class Discipline but I am back.
Chai. New Season.

Same Way, Every day
Never too high, Never too low
Getting Comfortable with the uncomfortable
Preparation and Execution
Consistently Consistent --->  More than Enough to Win

June 19 2014
Being still. Focusing on Christ. I'm praying that God will always rekindle my understanding and never let it die.
Sometimes the worst things that can happen to us happen slowly. --> Bad habits

We have to let the good things marinate into our lives. We can't force it. We have to let it slowly slowly enter our lives --> Good Habits, the 5 year rule.

I am learning more about myself. Learning that I don't need much in life. Learning about the things I am living for. I think once I have kids I would be living just to allow them have a great life. I want to give so much to my children. By the time they are 18 they will own all my property.
My style is that I wont let my kids be spoiled, I will train them to be humble, hardworking, tough kids who don't have a sense of entitlement and when they are grown and fully trained. I will spoil them.

Unlimited spoiling.

mardi 1 avril 2014

Slow Motion + Sense of Urgency

I thought about the contradiction. I was sitting in the car before driving off. I sat there for 2 minutes to let the car warm up but really to let spend some time in stillness before getting on the road.
It was a nice practice, for a lot of reasons.
I find myself rushing a lot nowadays. I should be at work by 8am every day but I find myself getting in late, 8:30am and a lot of times past 8:50am.
I think a lot of it falls on the fact that I do not sleep early enough. I would like to get to the place where I sleep by 10pm every night.

So what is the contradiction?
I believe we need a sense of urgency to achieve the things we need to achieve. I think we need to remind ourselves every AM and every PM what the most important things are to us.
I also think we need to enjoy the essence of life.

How do we live in slow motion but also w/ a sense of urgency.
I think by moving in slow motion we get to better feel and enjoy the essence of life. We have to balance enjoying that essence with actually achieving goals and living a life of excellence.

All my life I've been emphasizing the importance of balance. Never too high, never too low. Consistently consistent. I also try to emphasize the importance of building a healthy self-esteem. Having a perspective of no entitlement. Starting from zero and building yourself up in the right way. Letting go of insecurities, foolishness etc.

I know for some it is much harder than for others. But the fact is whatever hand you are dealt with in life is where development must start.

No retreat, no surrender.

In practicality, how do we do it?
Well, there is not enough time to do everything but there is enough time to do the most important things.
so the first step is to determine
1. What are the most important things to be -doing right now?
For me these are: - being more still, doing the right things, resetting, relooking at my past goals, dreams, being grateful
2. Eliminate the little things that take up your time:
From 5 minutes to 30 minutes, we spend our time on trivialities that take a toll on our time. and to be honest we are not just wasting 5 minutes or 30 minutes, we find out that we are wasting years. once accumulated.
For me these are things like: whatsapping, bbming, watching television, etc. there is so much! undersleeping, oversleeping,
3. Actually i'm not sure there is anything more profound to add. I think once we focus on eliminating the wrong activities and properly planning our lives, we would find out that there is more free time to be still, breathe and enjoy l'essence de la vie.

Bisous bisous

lundi 24 février 2014

I am a women rights activist

I recently confirmed that I have a bias towards women.
I had just finished work and was on my home. I was getting to a roundabout when I saw two cars, at different sides of the roundabout, approaching each other. I could see clearly that one of the cars was been driven by a woman while the other was being driven by a man.
I immediately believed the man was in the wrong and proceeded to horning and trying to warn him about what was about to happen.
The two cars narrowly missed each other and I still kept horning at the man and pointing towards him in an attempt to let him know that what he did was wrong. Before realizing that I was going the same way he was going.
It was the woman who was in the wrong.
I was kinda in shock at myself as I got a revelation about myself.
I spent the next 5 minutes thinking about where this bias could come from. I narrowed it down to my childhood, to the relationship between my parents.
I think I am so biased against my father. Even when my mother is obviously in the wrong I probably still support her.
To be honest some of this has changed, sometimes when I see my parents relate I can tell my mom is obviously in the wrong and I see how she contributes to some of the dysfunction. Maybe its because of years of bitterness... or maybe....

I dunno.

You are blessed.


mardi 18 février 2014

Why do I blog? / Responsible Love / True Love

Why do I blog?
Eventually I would like to write a book about my life. Even if nobody buys it I would love to be able to read and appreciate moments in my life that I would not normally think about.
Blogging is important. Sometimes when I read what I have written I cannot believe it is me that wrote it.
I need to invest more in my life. My habit of reading has regressed and I am disappointed about that.
I pledge to read for life. I pledge to life weights for life. I pledge to Jesus Christ for life.

Responsible Love
I had a discussion with a friend of mine about what true love is. He said you must love to the point where you can let someone go and still fully love them. He called it "responsible love", responsible because you know it won't work out but still 200% wish the person the best. I was so surprised it was a young man trying to teach me, his uncle, about love.

I had something else I wanted to blog about.... I can't remember now...

Maybe next time.

jeudi 13 février 2014


I have done some things in my life. I don't know whether to call them stupid or just plain random.
There was a time I used to sign all the dollar bills I got.
Why? I would also check dollar bills for my signature just to see if I received one that I had previously written on.

Sometimes I wonder what the point on life/success is if the majority of the people around you seem to be regressing.



lundi 3 février 2014

Driving and how it relates to MY life

I was thinking about this recently. I drive a lot in Abuja and I am so grateful to not have gotten into any type of accident since I started driving/living here.

I try to think a lot. I try to see possibilities and risks and try to mitigate against them. I have been in a car accident before. My brother was driving. Our windows were tinted and it was a little dark outside. We were at an intersection and had a stop sign in front of us. My brother had looked right but I guess the tinted windows didn't allow him to see well enough because a car was coming from the right side. Me, being on the right side and paying close attention to what was happening then proceeded to say  "Seun, a car is coming". The next thing that happened was typical of our relationship, me always warning him and him never listening. I  sat in the car, braced myself for impact, all in slow motion, while halfway shouting "Seun a car is coming"...

The two cars hit each other! BAM! And I just kept muttering, "a car is coming, Seun.... I told you a car was coming."

I was very pissed off that day. It was in the morning and my whole day was affected because of it. I was supposed to be on my way to class when it happened.

Anyways that day left me thinking, our lives would be better if we saw the accidents coming our way. Well maybe not. But I kinda believe that accidents - especially car accidents - we see about to happen

But anyways after the accident, my brother got out of the car to make sure the other guy was okay. It was an Hispanic man. I saw a part of my brother which I see often, the part that actually cares about people and I was impressed because even though he can act monstrous sometimes he was capable of being a gentle giant.

As always maybe I am just saying nonsense and just trying to write a blog post because I am supposed to do one every Monday.
But by writing this I got to rethink some of the demons that me and my family members need to deal with... which is listening to one another. Giving and Receiving advice is part of every relationship.

My family members need to learn that.

I. Need. To. Learn. That.

mardi 28 janvier 2014

Egos cause wars

I have been thinking about this for sometime and it has come down to this.
I believe all wars have been caused by egos. I believe egos cause wars.
Nothing else.

Matter of fact I can boil it down to say Egoism is the source of all our problems.

Just random thoughts. Well, not really random but yeah.

I needed to write a blogpost this week. This is short but hopefully helpful.

mardi 21 janvier 2014

2014 is your year

Your year of breakthrough

The Lord will turn the failure of your life into success
the poverty of your life into blessing
Every sickness of your life into good health
mistakes into perfection
Frustration into fulfillment
pain into inspiration

I still can't believe 2013 is gone. Never coming back. This ish is real.

Your birthday and 1st of January of every year have something in common, they help us realize that we are on a journey and whether we move or not we are being moved.

I don't know if that last sentence made sense.

Anyways I am rethinking a lot of things. Sometimes I just want to chill and chill. All this work work work, is it necessary????

Anyways, looking ahead. in 2015 i'll be 27.. KAI!
2015 is my year. I feel it in the middle of my stomok (stomach), I must to marry in 2015 (by God's grace hahahahahah)

I must jiggy jiggy in 2015

2014 is also my year!!!!!

lundi 6 janvier 2014

2014... WELCOME

I feel good about 2014. I am not sure why.. BUT I FEEL GOOD!
Lookin' forward to the new year. Looking forward to living a life of Excellence in Daily Living.
Looking forward to A LOT.

Welcome to 2014 HOMEYS!

mercredi 1 janvier 2014

Heaven uses technology (Mathematics)

Heaven uses technology (Mathematics).
On judgment day, when you are called to stand in front of your Creator or who ever will judge you, one of the criteria that you will judged upon will be presented on a powerpoint. Heaven show you a graph showing how you spent most of the |hours| of your life.

These are some calculations below:

There are:
24hours a day
x 7 = 168 hours per week
x 52 = 8736 hours a year

Assuming you live till you are 80 years old
8736 x 80 = 698880 hours

Assuming a grace of 20 - 25 years, for "discovering yourself"
- 262080 hours (calculated using 30 years)

That leaves 436800 hours

- Sleep @ 8 hours a night = 145600 hours
- Eating, Bathing, other miscellaneous @ 4 hours a day = 72800 hours
- Work @ 8 hours a day for 5 days a week = 104000 hours

= 114400 hours
114400 other hours that you can allocate to other things,

Some people will allocate a majority of these hours in to things like:
Watching television, spending time with friends, using social media, extra sleeping, and countless other ways people spend their time "unconsciously".

My point is that you will have to explain how the majority of your life was spent. And Heaven will present it in a clear and cogent manner (using technology of course Lol).

Maybe this is all BS.
Because at the end of the day you cannot calculate what will earn your salvation. We used to be able to until Jesus came and brought forth grace. The main point of this is to emphasize the importance of time management and seeing the big picture. Every day counts.

|Excellence in Daily Living|