mardi 17 janvier 2012


a list of values and definitions

Accountable                            Takes responsibility for both actions and outcomes

Achievement                           Aspires to the highest levels of excellence

Authority                                 Possessing power over decisions, people, assets

Balance                                   Balancing time and effort between work, home, hobbies

Creativity/Innovation              Thinking outside the box; trying new ways of accomplishing a goal
Change                                    Looking forward to and valuing change, continuous improvement, doing things differently

Commitment                          Being bound emotionally or intellectually to a course of action, dedication

Competence                            Possessing the skill, knowledge and ability to effectively perform

Courage                                   The willingness to take calculated risks and step outside of one’s comfort zone

Customer Satisfaction            Achieving excellence in customer satisfaction

Diversity                                  Respecting a variety of cultures/lifestyles

Effectiveness                          Executing with precision to achieve results

Efficiency                                                Producing results in a timely manner with a minimal of waste, expense, or unnecessary effort

Fairness                                  Treating people and being treated equally

Faith/Religion                         Belief in a higher power

Family                                     Being with family, both quality and quantity of time

Fitness                                    Being physically fit; optimal well-being

Fun                                          Playfulness, ability to laugh and express humor, joking

Growth                                    Investing in lifelong learning, personal development, self-education

Honesty                                   Being truthful, sincere

Independence                         Free from the influence, guidance, or control of others

Integrity                                  Words and deeds match up.  I am who I am; no matter where I am or who I am with.

Knowledge                              Subject matter expert, educated via experience or study

Legacy                                     Making a difference today with tomorrow in mind, succession

Loyalty                                     Faithful to a person, an ideal, a custom, a cause or a duty

Money/Wealth                       An abundance of valuable material possessions, riches

Passion                                    Intense emotional excitement, boundless enthusiasm

Perfection                               Reaches the highest attainable standard, details

Quality                                    A standard of excellence

Recognition                             Giving and receiving acknowledgement for achievements

Simplicity                                                Lack of complexity, complication

Status                                      Holding a position of importance, high standing, prestige

Structure                                 Formality, processes, and systems

Teamwork                               Cooperative effort by a group
Trust                                        Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing

Urgency                                   Fast paced, swift, action orientated

Volunteerism/Service             Serving the community, non-profit organizations

Wisdom                                  Having deep understanding, insight, and knowledge, the ability to make good judgments

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