mardi 3 janvier 2012

"we're all $%^#@&"

This famous and profound line is from the movie: London Boulevard. The guy said it in response to the question: Any last words?

what does it mean that we are all $%^#*(@??

it could mean several things...

ask yourself if life is worth it all the trouble? Very few things in life are guaranteed and one that is definitely guaranteed is your death: 100%...

what are the pros and cons of life? let me do a half arse analysis. I realize I am still young but I am not going to be young forever. I saw a 90 yr old man a few days ago and I was like darn!!! no matter how much i try I will eventually get that old one day. i value my youth soooo much (toooo much) that i tried to figure out some benefits of being that old and unfortunately i couldnt come up with any.. please feel free to enlighten me if you have any. maybe i am just too pessimistic or cynical about this issue. or maybe i am just immature

Joys of life
-little pleasures (food, etc)

Challenges of Life
-death of a loved one
-emotional pain
-physical pain

you probably have alot more things to add under these two lists. my task for you is this: do an evaluation and decide which wins.... if Joys win, what are you going to do? and if challenges win.. what are you going to do??


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