mardi 3 janvier 2012

An analysis of ignorance

Some people advocate never listening to or watching the news because of all the bad things we hear about everyday... this is basically advocating "ignorance is bliss" and trying to avoid the notion that the world can be (or is) a place of so much pain and wickedness... this page is to analyse the benefits and the drawbacks of this pursuit of happyness

What are the benefits? and the drawbacks... of I-G-N-O-R-A-N-C-E

no worries... or lessened worries
can enjoy life without the discomfort of empathy
can live in the moment without thinking about others and their problems
dont have to think or worry about the people suffering from hunger, earthquakes, crimes etc

makes you selfish
out of touch
you are unable to have sympathy for others
makes you naive because in the end whatever happens out there could potentially happen to you

These points are not definitive but just the few that came to mind while typing this... based on the two lists in my opinion the drawbacks outweigh the benefits...

So this means I cannot accept ignorance. I need to be able to stay in touch with the present world but also be able to lead a happy, balanced and content life.

How do I do this?

I guess the only solution is to accept the world the way it is and toughen up. We gotta go out there and keep doing what we need to do despite what the world is turning into... 

We gotta be able to separate ourselves from situations, put ourselves in people's shoes, sympathize with people and value the lives and opportunities we have.

To be able to live a fulfilled life has something to do with being able to be tough. So toughen up as you pass through life.

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