dimanche 1 janvier 2012

Where could I live?

Where could I live?
I‘ve lived in several countries throughout my life: Mali, Nigeria, Kuwait, America and France. When people ask me “where is your preferred place?” my response is always: they are all good… they are all different. Where could I live? I believe I could live anywhere (not accounting for ethnic conflicts or conflicts whatsoever). Of course I do need some time to adapt and there are some basic things I would like a place to have for me to stay there. What are these?
- i need access to a gym (weight lifting and cardio), I can still manage if i do not have this as I would have one of those Terrel Owens elastic band things
-electricity (24/7 please)
- fast wireless internet (at the house)
and most important

-SINGLE LADEYSSS (I kid.. I kid)

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