dimanche 8 janvier 2012

Why did I start this blog?

I knew I had to write about why I started blogging.
Why am I blogging? For myself or for others?
It didn’t take two seconds to answer that question: I am blogging for myself. Blogging is like journaling.
Sometimes I feel like I think too much, like I analyse too much… sometimes I wonder: is it possible to just… PAUSE!?
I guess blogging allows me to put down my ideas and thoughts. I realize that once I type it out, put it on paper… it does not clog up my brain activity anymore.
So I started blogging for myself but do hope whoever reads this will benefit from it in one way or the other!
I’ve come to realize that it is in writing about myself that I come to know more about myself, consciously realizing who I am and the direction I am going.

Oh yeah I also chose to start blogging because I need to better my writing.

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