samedi 13 juillet 2013

Think before you act, Do not Complicate Your LIfe.

Think before you act, don’t complicate your life.
I got some coca cola from someone. It was hot. I got home and put it in the freezer thinking to myself “I will come back and get it in the next 30 minutes or so”… The next day I went to the freezer and… the can had exploded and the content had scattered all over the fridge. 


It took me more than 30 minutes to completely clean the affected segment of the freezer and while cleaning it I thought to myself... “if I had just spent 10 seconds to think before performing that action (putting it in the freezer), I would not be in the situation”.

My lack of thinking and lack of knowing myself caused me to lose 30 minutes that I could use for something else. Notice here that I am not complaining about the coke that I lost but about the tradeoff loss made to me through laziness.

Think before you act… do not complicate your life.

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