mardi 30 juillet 2013

Perfection + Random rantings

I think I am close to perfection.
Well, I used to think I was close to perfection. I still do... sometimes.
There are some times though that I think I am (might be completely) flawed ... I look around the world and ask myself sometimes maybe I am the one who is confused/lost... I don't know. 

When making decisions no matter how small I have started this technique of analyzing on how this could possibly be the worst or best decision I ever make. For example, I going to the supermarket to buy some bread - anything could happen to make this either the best or worst decision of my entire life. I try to appreciate the moment by saying to myself, anything can happen, your life can change in one moment for better or for worse. All I can do is live in the moment and appreciate it.... 100%

I find myself either doing things or not doing things and not being able to explain them but knowing that it is right for me. For example, every time I meet somebody I shake their hands and lean forward because my brain tells me it shows respect. I wouldn't have been able to articulate this if I hadn't read it somewhere about leaning forward being a universally acceptable way of deferring/showing respect for the other person. Beautiful.

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