dimanche 29 septembre 2013

My Trip To Visit PARIS

So when I returned back to Paris to visit, I had been very excited that I was going back to a city that took my heart. 

A famous person once said that there is nothing better than living in Paris during your early twenty's.

Well I was very excited going back to visit and once I landed, I started blogging about it. I was kinda disappointed but.. here it goes... What I journaled while in Paris with the mindset of THINGS I MISS and THINGS I DO NOT MISS. 

Paris just arrived through Luftansa. I should try not to do a layover this long EVER AGAIN.
I arrived to Paris in a bad mood. So I started my trip somewhat negatively.

In the train now to Paris. I don't miss the Magreb French, loudness, behavior.

I don't miss the ugly and old cars and roads, especially in the suburbs.

I don't really miss the French facial expressions.

I don't miss seeing so many bummish black people

I don't miss the suburbs and the old houses. The graffiti everywhere

I don't miss the scarcity of housing.

I don't miss the dirt. Rushing. Rowdiness.

I don't miss the bread/baguette

I don't miss the small portions for food

Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up with a positive outlook of Paree

One thing I did notice was better systems: People are improving their methods, lives.. for example there was a busker who dropped info cards and then started playing. Usually it was not like this. It used to be one or the other. You either "begged" for money or entertained and asked people to give you money. This guy combined both

What I did/do miss was:
My friendship with Tobias. Tobias has become like a brother to me.
A daily life without drama from family members
Going out, salsa dancing, partaying!! with Tobias
Going out to eat in restaurants with pals
ACP and its members
Seeing and appreciating all types and races of single ladeys.
Riding the velib around Paris


Overall i think the essence of Paris is best felt with PEOPLE. People...

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