dimanche 29 septembre 2013

My Trip To Visit PARIS

So when I returned back to Paris to visit, I had been very excited that I was going back to a city that took my heart. 

A famous person once said that there is nothing better than living in Paris during your early twenty's.

Well I was very excited going back to visit and once I landed, I started blogging about it. I was kinda disappointed but.. here it goes... What I journaled while in Paris with the mindset of THINGS I MISS and THINGS I DO NOT MISS. 

Paris just arrived through Luftansa. I should try not to do a layover this long EVER AGAIN.
I arrived to Paris in a bad mood. So I started my trip somewhat negatively.

In the train now to Paris. I don't miss the Magreb French, loudness, behavior.

I don't miss the ugly and old cars and roads, especially in the suburbs.

I don't really miss the French facial expressions.

I don't miss seeing so many bummish black people

I don't miss the suburbs and the old houses. The graffiti everywhere

I don't miss the scarcity of housing.

I don't miss the dirt. Rushing. Rowdiness.

I don't miss the bread/baguette

I don't miss the small portions for food

Maybe tomorrow I'll wake up with a positive outlook of Paree

One thing I did notice was better systems: People are improving their methods, lives.. for example there was a busker who dropped info cards and then started playing. Usually it was not like this. It used to be one or the other. You either "begged" for money or entertained and asked people to give you money. This guy combined both

What I did/do miss was:
My friendship with Tobias. Tobias has become like a brother to me.
A daily life without drama from family members
Going out, salsa dancing, partaying!! with Tobias
Going out to eat in restaurants with pals
ACP and its members
Seeing and appreciating all types and races of single ladeys.
Riding the velib around Paris


Overall i think the essence of Paris is best felt with PEOPLE. People...

vendredi 13 septembre 2013

Authentic Pride

This post is controversial. As a matter of fact I am not sure what my original purpose is in writing this post. But I still feel a need to express this thought

I have met all sorts of people in my life. This post is about the different kinds of proud people I have met. 
I have met people who were proud because of their wealth, "do you know who I am? Do you know how much I make a month? Do you know how much is in my bank account?"
I have met people who were proud because of who their parents were, "do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is??"
I have met people who were proud because of their past accomplishments, "Do you know who I am? Do you know what I have accomplished?"
The list goes on
proud because of power
proud became of fame
proud because of ....

These are all people who in a moment of conflict would not take crap from anyone just because of what they "have"...

I have also met people who had nothing, no accomplishments, no money in their bank accounts, nothing really that they could look upon and say THIS IS ENOUGH REASON FOR ME TO BE PROUD. But I have met some of these people that are still proud. Even though they have "nothing" to them they are SOMETHING and they will not take your crap. 

In a way I admire these kinds of people. I shouldn't... because none of these prides are good or godly. But there is something admirable about this kind of pride, a pride that defines itself above things we value so much and places the sole value of pride on an individual, nothing else.

Authenticity 100% 

dimanche 8 septembre 2013

Get things right

I need to get things right.
I have been trying for the past 6 years to get things right.
I do not know what exactly is wrong with me.
I looked at my prayer book that I have had for the past 3 years and I noticed that my prayers have been the same. "Lord, help me to be more disciplined", "Lord remove laziness from my life", "Lord, give me courage"
I know I have been trying for the past 5 to 6 years to instill the right habits/rituals into my life.
At this point I feel like if I do not change I might never change. I need to change NOW. I need SUCCESS. And I define success on a daily basis. Doing what I am supposed to do.
I must start to convince myself that EVERYDAY COUNTS.
I must tell myself every morning that if I do not get things right now I might never get them right.
I must restrict myself to no more than 1 bad decision per week (I like how that sounds)
I want to become a robot in some ways in my life.
I need to make decisions.
I need to GO!!!!!!!!!!

The List....

-Wake up at 6am
-Relook at goals
-Meaningful/Deep Communion with God
-Physical Exercise
-Business Research
-Newspapers (WSJ, Businessday)
-Be off the computer by 10pm

Weekly (once a week)
Fast every Sunday
Weekly Planning
Catching up with folks
Look through my Favorites webpages + URL list
Alternate eating bread every week
Review all Blackberry notes and iPod notes
Do Squats
Do Deadlifts
Do Shrugs (all weightlifting exercises)
Listen to Freakonomics podcast
Listen to a French podcast
Look on James Altucher's blog (www.jamesaltucher.com)
Write a blog post
Work on your scripts
RESET (Look at your notes)

Review all plans
Take a day out to be still and reanalyse how the month went/ reassess everything
Backup PC
Check Bank Accounts/ Finances
Fast every first day of the month
Pay Loans

Look at past 5 pages of Gmail account

Business research
Projects folder
Bucket List

How do I make a million in the stock market or in business before the age of 30?

Make Calls to catch up with people

Stock market

Play basketball
Be still / Reset