lundi 13 août 2012

Living in constant fear

We live in a world where nothing is gauranteed anymore. There is so much fear and uncertainty that sometimes people just wish their lives would end... as death might be the best way out. I am somewhat pessimistic about the world, I make controversial statements like: the earth is overpopulated and this is one of the sources of our problems. I also unfortunately think that things will only get worse.

A lot of times I ask myself why people have kids, especially kids they cannot take care of. I think it is a very discertaining thing. I mean why would you want to bring a child into this already jacked up world? A world that operates on egoism and competition, instead of unity and cooperation. (La vie de merde, as my french friend would say)

The world is really in a bad place, is there hope? hmm.... I have no position on that statement.

Eitherways this was not originally what my post was supposed to be on. It was supposed to be inspirational. I wanted to talk about the people who live honorable lives in constant *fear*: FIREMEN, POLICEMEN, ETC

These are people that you have accepted that your job is to be ready to die for another person. I look at this and think it is very honorable. I think you would have to get up each morning and live each day like it is your last (something I am trying to incorporate in my life). Because the truth is all that matters is today, yesterday is gone and we are not even sure the future exists...

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