jeudi 31 juillet 2014

I am a lot of things?

When I first meet someone, I show them a lot of respect and defer a lot in order to get to know them and show them that they are of most importance.
After this stage, depending on how I perceive the person I either continue my original paradigm or I change my actions based on what I have perceived from the other person.
Sometimes this change brings out the rude me, the impatient me, the mean me.
I thought about it recently and realized that WOW, there are different MEs. And maybe that is what Christ has called us to recognize by saying death to SELF and told us to strive for the ME that is in accordance with His Person, Will, Heart.
The ME that acts the same regardless of how the other person behaves.
The ME that
The ME that always puts others interests before himself and ultimately Christ.

lundi 7 juillet 2014

To argue or not to argue

That is the question.
Among the things I have to ask myself each morning one of them is the question: Do I choose to argue today or choose to NOT argue.

When I was much younger I used to argue a lot. I think I used to love arguing. Why? I have no idea, I think it was just fun to me, to see people on the edge and talking about things they were passionate about. I also think a big part of me arguing has been to try to teach others and show them I know more than they do..?
As I grew older I started getting tired of arguing especially after starting to believe that most people do not change their perspectives on issues they argue about. So I stopped arguing completely. Completely.

To argue or not to argue? It has been a while (maybe years) since I made profound discoveries about myself. I think I went through unconscious periods when I would go on an arguing binge and then a non arguing binge. Looking back I do remember these periods but at the moment they occurred I was oblivious to them. 

In trying to leave more consciously, when I wake up in the mornings one of the questions I ask myself is: Should I argue today or should I just NOT argue? I think it is also fundamental to whether I have HOPE that people will deviate and give themselves an opportunity to learn. LOL. 
Or maybe hope doesn't apply at all. Maybe I should just stop arguing completely and use my mental energy for more positive and quantifiable activities.

It is a new day. July 7th 2014. World Class Discipline resumes. 
