mardi 15 mai 2012

My advice to the youth

About five or six years ago, I came up with a business idea... this is how it happened..

I had worn one of my favorite button up shirts and at the end of the day when I took it off the collar was dirty. I washed the shirt several times but there was still a slight stain on the collar. This caused unease in me and I started to think about how I could have prevented this...

Then I got the idea of a collar protector. I thought about it briefly and its execution but for some reason I never followed through (just like I haven't followed through yet on any of my business ideas).

But anyways...
A few months ago, I was looking through a website and found a collar protector. I also found out that it was patented about 3 years ago... I could not believe that I had this idea and someone actually pursued it independantly. Which brings me to this post!

this post is about creativity. It has been said that human beings get less creative the older they get...
it is possibly true. i remember being extremely creative when i was younger. it is a shame that i did not pursue all the things i set out to do [or maybe not! hmmm] but I am learning to take every opportunity and run with it. I am also learning to try to keep building my creativity muscle! i will not let it get weaker as I grow older!!

This leads to my advice to the YOUTH!

My advice is that journalling/note taking/idea writing is extremely important. The mind is a wonderful and beautiful thing but our ability to forget things is alarming. If I had not written down that business idea i might not have being able to convince myself that I had the idea too. I try to journal when I can, sometimes once a week, sometimes once a month. I want to get to a place where i journal e.v.e.r.y d.a.y

so basically this post is primarily dedicated to people starting their lives and people full of ideas (secondarily to anyone interested, old or older etc). I hope this is insight and I hope you take the step to start journaling more often.

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