lundi 7 mai 2012

How do you compete with cheaters?

I was taking a test in a french history class... (this is Paris) I look around and basically everybody is cheating. With notes hidden in pencil cases, iphones on laps, notes on laps, collaboration and other sorts of cheating. Of course the teacher was there but under the pretexte of being stupid, he did not notice it, most probably by choice, which I cannot say I understand.

I finished my test and I had an essay that was a 2 pages long. I turned it in and saw other people turned in 4, 5, 6 pages. I was thinking, of course you can write all that information if you have wikipedia as your assistant or google. I was really pissed and felt like sending an email to the professor after class telling him that he should not give me a grade based on the grades he gives others BECAUSE I CANNOT COMPETE WITH CHEATERS.

How can I compete.... with cheaters?
I refuse to cheat! I accept full responsibility for my grades whether it is a 70% of a 98%. But this situation poses an issue for me because obviously my grade depends on the work of others.

Well I started thinking about it and I realized that obviously I can still compete with cheaters... it would require much more work but yes, I can compete!! What is the gain?? I am not sure...

I spend 5 more hours studying for a test, still receive a lower grade but I have my pride, my character, my integrity... so really I am only working hard for my pride, character, integrity... not for my grades...


I also started thinking again... maybe I am a cheater as well..? maybe we are all cheaters...?? think about it... what makes someone a cheater?

I know I have lied at least once or twice during interviews... what does that make me? a cheater? a liar?

what is the difference?
a vous d'en decider!

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