jeudi 28 mars 2013

End of 1st Quarter, 2013

3 Quarters left.
Analyse what you have done for the first 3 months of this year, Shola...
Darn it. Still behind schedule.

It is well.....


No Retreat......

No Surrender.......

God, how are You???

We are too focused on ourselves. Goodness. When you talk to God, what do you talk to him about?
Most of the time it is about us, regardless of the style of prayer, whether we are praising God or adoring him etc, it is really about us, because like the next section of our prayer shows us, for example the ACTS style of praying.

A-Adoration, C-Confessions, T- Thanksgiving, S- Supplication

Out of 4 steps of prayer, at least 50% are about you, while the other 50% are you trying to set yourself up to deliver on the first 50%...

I thought about a new exercise, so the next time you want to talk to God, I want you to try this.

sit down. breathe in and out 3 times and ask God...

God, How are You?
God, I know every time I come into your presence it is always about me, me, me. But God I want You to know that I do care about who You are too and how You feel, so my question to You today is, LORD, HOW ARE YOU?

And then just spend 5 to 10 minutes listening to what He says to you. Listen well to what you hear... write it down.

Do not take this for granted, try it. Even if just once... 

I. Am. Responsible.

It is my responsiblity to protect everybody else.
I used to think in dimensions before. I used to believe that everybody was responsible for thier actions and so on and so forth. I have gotten to a place where I am making myself responsible for everything that is going on in the world: global warming, crime,etc.
Like my pastor said some time ago: you and I are what is wrong with the world.
so basically this is two fold. I accept responsibility that the best way to change the world is to change myself. I also understand that I must protect others in everyway I can.

This has changed my life. 

I love going to church (stillness/ prison)

We move too fast nowadays. I know I move too fast. A lot of times I avoid doing the necessary things I need to do in the morning (on a daily basis) because I feel already pressed to just get on with it. This is very bad, because I end up being less effective throughout the whole day.

This is one reason why I love going to church.
When I go to church, I know that for 1 to 2 hours I must sit down and do nothing but either LISTEN or THINK. It feels like prison, somewhat, because there is no escape. That is 60 to 120 minutes of pure stillness... conscious stillness that our society doesn't allow us to normally get.

During this period of stillness (i.e. holy breathing time), I am forced to start the process of RESETing. I believe we must RESET about once a week in order to be able to live the life we desire to live.

What does it mean to RESET?
It means to shut down and then restart so that you can start afresh, to enable you maintain a high level of effectiveness.

Per week this is what RESETing means for me:
- Reading my prayer book, previous prayer points and looking at previous sermon notes (1hr?)
- Reading the summaries of books that I read and took notes of (1hr?)
- Reading my plans, random notes, life lessons I took over the past couple of years (1 hr)
- Taking about 15 minutes or so to be still (holy uselessness) and to listen to what God is directing me to do
- Thinking about the changes I need to make in my life and asking myself what I really want.
- Reviewing all the notes I made on my IPOD and BLACKBERRY

Once a week. Once a week. Once a week. I need to get to a level where I do this once a week, no excuses. Right now I am looking at doing this on Saturdays. I need your strength, Lord.

I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me

lundi 11 mars 2013

Several levels of discomfort

there are 3 types of discomfort.
discomfort that is necessary and positive
discomfort that is necessary but negative
discomfort that is neither necessary nor positive

you can replace the word "discomfort" with "pain"
you need to recognize each one and work/try to avoid unnecessary discomfort